A description from Amazon.com...
"This short novel by Albert Camus was written in 1946. It's about a young Algerian Frenchman, Muersault, who works at an office job and lives a dull ordinary life. He describes his mother's funeral with clarity and dispassion and, as the story unfolds, the reader sees that this detachment is the general theme of the book. He doesn't love his girlfriend but it makes no difference to him whether he marries her or not. He helps an acquaintance commit an aggressive act because he just doesn't care enough one way or another. And, eventually, he commits a murder and is arrested. The trial then focuses on this disaffected aspect of his character. The conclusion is inevitable."
Well, ours is pretty much like that, with the murder replaced with wanton and unrepentant masturbation.
It premiered at the Lonestar Film Festival (www.lsiff.com) last year to shocked response. It was programmed in a shorts block that should have been named, "Shorts with Jacking-Off as a Major Theme or Motif." Seriously, out of the seven films in the block, FIVE had some form of self-abuse on display. Maybe it had to do with the fact that all of the films were from Texas. I mean, what else is there to do around here?
I will post an IMDB page for the film shortly, and after it's done the festival rounds, I'll toss the sucker up on the inter-web. In the meantime, if you wanna see it, contact me here.
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